I went on a little yarn expedition last weekend - story soon to follow - and came across the most perfect green yarn ever. Apparently it was a popular color as I bought up the last two skeins available at Hill Country Weavers in Austin. So... what to make with this small amount of the most perfect green yarn ever? My very own "Fetching" mitts!
I made a pair of these for my sister the winter before last and I loved them, and now it's my turn to have some too. It is a little gratifying to knit something for me, after many projects intended for others over the past months. I'm sticking to accessories right now, as my knitting commitment can't be too great until I am able to find more time or learn to better manage the time I have, whichever comes first!
Today is one of the first chilly fall days in Texas this year, so I find myself yearning to knit - to feel the warmth of the fibers as they run over my fingertips and my needles. I also find myself longing to bake... I'm sorta Martha that way.
Mmmm... nothing says lovin' like some homemade chocolate chip cookies.
The house smells wonderful... the kids are napping... my yarn is calling!