There's this country song *eek - I know what you're thinking*... about life having its effects on a woman, and let me tell ya, life is doing its job on me.
For those of you who know the song and are wondering, no, my marriage is not in trouble! It's just a lot of stuff taking its toll on me and I'm really feeling it lately. There's kid stuff: kids driving me crazy, feeling guilty for wanting to get away from said kids, feeling crazy for not getting away from kids, cleaning the house the kids destroy, balancing the checkbook the kids drain. There's work stuff: drawing the line between friend and boss, wishing I wasn't the boss, wishing I had friends other than work friends, feeling like I don't know how to be the boss. There's me stuff: carrying extra flab because I can't /don't make the time to work out, wishing I didn't get a Mirena so I wouldn't feel bloated and flabby and crazy, wanting to do more things in a day but not wanting to feel so tired all the time, wishing I could be a better mom, boss, wife, me without feeling so overwhelmed by all the stuff.
So don't blame me... Life turned me this way.
Mickey progress: I've got maybe 5 or 6 more repeats until I can bind off and seam. Progress is slow due to stuff.
You are totally and completely not alone ... I think most mothers have moments (days/weeks) when they feel like that. I'm with you ...
We are actually planning a weekend trip, just the hubby and I, next Spring. Hopefully we'll find someone brave enough to be willing to watch all three of my kids at the same time. Eeep!
Posted by: Samantha | August 05, 2008 at 02:16 PM
I know the song and like it. Kind of old school country. I like me a litte twang!
As far as K's fits- she is just spirited and independant and that will take her far in life!!! You are doing a great job!
Posted by: Beth Peck | September 22, 2008 at 04:34 PM